Thursday, February 21, 2008

I was sooo jealous...

A couple of weeks ago I hung out with a friend and her male friend. We all hung out, laughing, talking, drinking, eating, and just having a general good time. I tried to stave off the jealousy that kept trying to creep up.

She has something so precious that I have never been able to achieve - a male friend. I have said on sooo many occasions I have too much estrogen in my life. I wish I had male friends. I am 30 years old and have never been able to achieve that. I mean in high school I had a couple of male friends. It didn't last past that. In college I was never really able to make any. Definitely now that I am grown I'm not.

Making male friends for me has always been an issue of attraction. Either men didn't find me cute or attractive, therefore didn't want to be my friend. OR they did, and whatever friendship we tried to gain was disingenuine because he was trying to GTD (get the draws). But it is not all on them. People flock to each other differently. It wasn't until I became an adult that I truly was comfortable around men. So my opportunities in youth to get and maintain male friends were lost because I didn't know how to be a friend to them. And in adulthood, the rules changed.

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