Sunday, December 2, 2007

Batch of Updates and Story Morals

Well guys its been a long time since posting things have been crazy.

* My new job is still whooping my ass

* I'm still single

* Since my last update I turned 30. And I purchased my first house.

* I have been dealing with family medical issues as well as my own.

* Tomorrow starts operation 'Date before Christmas' I will begin my search with a vengeance. I'll let you know how that goes.

* Okay I first let me start out by saying that sometimes I get bored and type in various peoples name in Google just to see what happens. I know I'm not the only one who does it. I will type in names from back in high school, grammar school, old friends, old beaus, old people, just whatever. I am still amazed at the power of Google.

So one name led to another which led to another and I looked up a flame from way back in the day. (I started at high school looking up folks then I got to college. It was a natural progression). I found his name on this cheaters site and thought "I knew he looked familiar."

Now lets back up about a year or so ago. You guys know that alot of my dating comes from online. Seems to be the common thing now. One day this guy sends me an email. We will call him Johnathan Monroe. So I check out Johnathan Monroes picture and go "Damn he looks like Joe Long that I used to date" Joe Long was NOT a good person (normal young stuff - cheating, lost my best friend, yada yada ya). Now Johnathan Monroe was THE type of man, physically, that I like. We dialogged back and forth and I asked/told him that he looked familiar.

We continued with our email exchange. I asked if he knew him (like was that his cousin) Johnathan was like, no. But the guy did look familiar, BUT I also have a "type," so...whatever. Y'all know I am bad at pointing out and describing people (My friends and I often joke that if their life depended on me being able to describe them to a sketch artist, they would be screwed.)
At any rate it was no big deal. The guy did look familiar, but he was from someplace completely different and had a different name. And if in the RARE event it was JL, I would figure it out once we met or we would never meet. Either way no skin off my back. Well we never met.

A year and a half later I am surfing the net and see his name and picture as well as his alias of Johnathan Monroe on a cheaters website. And I thought "I was right, he DID look familiar." As I read his charges the profile fit him to a T, down to even his profession and type of women. Then I felt sad for him. Its a shame he hasn't grown up yet. Same stuff from ten years ago. I guess some people never change.

There are two morals to this story.
1. I need to start taking Ginseng.
2. Life is about change and growth. Learning who you are and trying to be a better person. Love yourself, Love the Lord, and Love and respect others. As we grow older we grow wiser (at least one would hope). What are you doing with that wisdom. Are you growing, are you helping others grow, or are you using it to take advantage of other people.

Think back ten years ago. Take away your job, your financial situation, and everything material. How are you different? Are you different? How do you feel you have grown and matured? What life lessons have you learned?


Gwyneth Bolton said...

I'm confused. Was he Joe Long or not?


K.D. KING said...

Yes he was he went by both names on the internet. They are one and the same person.